24. mai 2011

I left alone, I left the world, I was running

Mamma synger når vi er på tur. Jeg prøver å holde fokuset på snusing kombinert med snøfting og lukting, men av og til må jeg kikke opp på båndansvarlig for å se hva hu egentlig driver med. Ofte ender det at jeg bare vender tilbake til snusinga. For mamma, hu bare synger.
I dag har vi gått på tur fra Sogn og hjem. Heldigvis har jeg ikke vært der så ofte, så jeg kunne bruke veldig mye tid på å snuse. Så da kunne hu stå der da:

Remember how I said I’d come someday baby,
How I said I’d come around to see you one day,
I said I’d try to find a way to run away
I’d get away some day
And I’m gonna come someday baby,
Gonna fire on the water, hear you say,
I’m gonna fire on the water, trying to find you again and say:
I never thought I’d see you again
I never thought I’d get to be with my best friend,
Never thought I had to tell you again,
Never thought I had to tell you how I lost my mind again.
I left alone, I left the world
I was running,
To be by your side
I was dying, alone by your side
I was flying.
I came alone,
I’ve come a long way to get here,
The leaves they fall to my feet at home,
They mean nothing to me.
No no no, no no no, no no no, no no no, no no no, no no no Yeah Yeah, Yeah Yeah

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